Title: And Then You Shoot Your Cousin (Universal Music)
Artist: The Roots

The eleventh album by hip-hop super group continues themes they’ve been exploring since How I Got Over, their 2010 offering, which is also considered their most spiritual project.

This 11-track bouquet of rap tunes opens with Theme from Middle of The Night. A languid aria performed by Nina Simone. It set the mood before the first tune tilted Never featuring Patty Cash singing lilting lines urban street dream and related perils. Crafted like a operetta the song also features chorus singing medieval monastery inspired hymn samples before the inimitable voice of Black Thought. It’s a delightful opener that carries both the usual rap grit true fans demand and a bit the new sound the group has been exploring off late.

The Coming featuring Mercedez Martinez opens with a ravishing piano solo and a heart warming sung confessional theme and chorus, then a cluster of improvised string section with violas and guitars showing off the hip-hop band’s musical sophistication in the age of digitally manipulated musical offerings.  The Trinity (Dark) featuring Dice Raw is raw joint meant to remind listeners why they love this band. It has the right bass and rap combination set to great story telling.  The cover art too, by Romare Bearden, the American modernist collagist and painter is just priceless.


8/10– Percy Mabandu

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