This year, a staggering 91% of South Africans made a New Year’s resolutions

According to a survey commissioned by Microsoft South Africa, and carried out by Columinate, the number one reason for not sticking to a New Year’s resolution is lack of motivation (50%), followed by not having enough time (33%) and lack of support (22%).

In 2015, South Africa has money on its mind, with 60% of all resolutions made relating to finances, specifically spending less and saving more – which should please the Minister of Finance. This beats out regular New Year’s resolution chart-topper: weight-loss.

How many resolutions does the average South African make every year? According to the survey results: 8% only made one resolution, 29% made 2 – 4 resolutions, 50% made 5 – 10 resolutions, and 13% made more than 10.

Do you recognise some of these resolutions:

  • Eat healthier (listed by 48% of respondents)
  • Be a better person (34%)
  • Get a better job (33%)
  • Spend more time with my family (26%)
  • Buy a house (20%)
  • Finish that degree (17%)
  • Quit smoking (14%)
  • Do more charity work (11%)

How to make a resolution stick

Whatever your resolution, it’s sticking to it that proves a challenge. The question is how to fix this? Support from family helps said 48% of those surveyed, as well as support from friends, said a further 29%.

Another factor that helps you achieve the goals you set for yourself is tracking your progress. The most popular ways to do this is using a calendar, a to do list and a journal. Overall, 79% respondents agreed that it would be ideal to use technology – like a smartphone app – to help you measure your progress towards your goal.

There’s an app for that

With this in mind, Microsoft Lumia has launched the #MakeItHappen campaign. It’s goodbye flakey New Year’s resolutions and hello to making a pledge that shows results.

Lumia fans are encouraged to enter their pledge at, and set a target date by which they aim to achieve their goal. Once completed, you upload a photo or video as proof of completion. You can share your progress online with the #MakeItHappen hashtag, and check out what other people are pledging, as well as completed pledges. You are encouraged to set tangible goals, paired with a sense of community, and powered by technology and Microsoft Lumia.


Here’s a cool infographic that condenses the findings of the survey on South Africa’s New Year’s resolutions:

unnamed (1)

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